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Booking Form pre-fill
Booking Form pre-fill

Learn how to pre-fill a booking form using data points from your CRM

Antonio Sierra avatar
Written by Antonio Sierra
Updated over a week ago

Go to Embed > Booking Form > Fields and enable "Show Ids" at the bottom right. This will allow you to copy the Id of each desired field to be pre-filled.

Option 1: Configuration Object

You can add the data to window.gwBookNow config object, like in the example below.


<script type="text/javascript">
window.gwBookNow = {
prefillData: {
artist: 'Max Capacity',
date: '2025-12-10',
venue_name: 'Audio Nightclub',
venue_email: ''

<script type="text/javascript" src="" crossorigin="*" async="true"></script>

Option 2: Query String

You can also add data as a query string.

It is important that the data is properly encoded and that you set gwPrefillData=true in addition to the data.,date=2025-12-10,venue_name:Audio%20Nightclub,

Important Details

  • Amount fields like offer have two keys. It is optional to set offer.currencyType.
    If not set it will default to your agency's default currency type.

  • For fields that support multiple values (ie. lineup, multipleArtists) the values need to be separated by a comma ,

  • Artists can either be using the id, web-title, or exact name match

  • Country can be country code or English country name

  • PresetLists (ie. age, event type) can be either id (visible on manage presets list screen), or exact name match

  • Dates need to be in ISO format ie. 2025-12-31

  • Times are set in 24 hour format ie. 13:00

  • Timezones need to be in ISO format eg. America/Los_Angeles

  • The fields need to be part of the form, otherwise pre-fill data is ignored

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